Monthly Archives: September 2020

The Costa Rica Legal System – Roman Civil Law

Costa Rica has a Roman (Napoleonic) Civil Law System as its Judicial System, which is the System of laws used primarily throughout the countries of Latin America and continental Western Europe. This is a very different Legal System than English Common Law, which is the dominant Legal System utilized in Canada, the United States, the U.K., [...]

What are “Squatters’ Rights” in Costa Rica?

Before you purchase property in Costa Rica you may want to know more about Squatters’ Rights. These are formally referred to in legal terminology as Prescriptive Rights and Adverse Property Possession. They have largely been abolished by Statute during the last one hundred and twenty year period, in English Common Law jurisdictions such as the U.S., Canada, and [...]

Potential Changes in the Application Requirements and Benefits for Costa Rica Residency

An interesting article appeared in the August 21, 2020, edition of the Costa Rica newspaper, “La Republica”. Two legislators from the National Assembly have proposed some significant changes to the Investor (Inversionista) Residency Category and some tax benefits affecting all of the Residency Categories, including Pension Recipient (Pensionado) and [...]

What Should Expats Considering Costa Rica as a new Home Expect?

I have lived and worked in Costa Rica for over twenty-two years. I can say without a doubt, that the natural beauty and the climate in Costa Rica is very easy to adjust to, as being very pleasant in both regards, however, as an expat American, Canadian, or European, it will not be “business as usual”, in most other respects. [...]

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