Legal Information Costa Rica

What are the Costa Rica Residency Application Requirements & the Related Import & Tax Benefits?

In the month of February, 2023, significant changes were introduced by the Costa Rica Government to the Application requirements for the Inversionista (Investor) Category for Temporary Residency and the provisions for the requirements for Pensionado (Pension Income) and Rentista (Investment Income) Temporary Residency Category Applications were enunciated. In addition, the [...]

Costa Rica Literal Enforcement of Laws Versus Policy of Enforcement

Many foreigners moving to live in Costa Rica will be coming from countries such as the U.S. and Canada. In those Countries, the general application and the Policy of Enforcement of the Law and Regulations is relatively close to that which is written in the Statutes and Regulations where the [...]

How Important is a Home Inspection in the Costa Rica Home Purchasing Process?

If you are purchasing a residential home from a Builder/Developer or having a home custom built, the Costa Rica Civil Code in Article 1185, provides you with a Statutory Guaranty of five years from the date of delivery, for defects in materials and workmanship, attributable to the Architect or the [...]

What Are The Considerations As A Foreigner For Building Their Own Home In Costa Rica?

As a foreigner, constructing your own home in Costa Rica will present some unique challenges. First and foremost, if you are coming from the United States or Canada and don’t speak fluent Spanish, the issue of language will be paramount. You won’t be able to bring your own English speaking [...]

What is the Legal Closing Process for a Property Purchase Transaction in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica uses the Roman Civil Law Legal System, which is the Legal System used by the majority of countries in continental Western Europe and Latin America. It is a more formal and document-oriented Legal System than the English Common Law Legal System which is used in the majority of [...]

What is the Impact of the Purchase and Sale Agreement on a Property Purchase Transaction?

When entering into a property purchase transaction, the Purchase and Sale Agreement, the initial formal legal document that binds the Parties to the transaction, deserves the undivided attention of the Parties, but particularly that of the Buyer and the Buyer’s Lawyer. When a Seller offers a property for sale, there [...]

How Does the Presence of a Fresh Water Source Affect the Development of a Property?

In Costa Rica, all naturally occurring sources of fresh water are the property of the State. The regulation of use and distribution of fresh water is controlled entirely by the State, through the State Water and Sewer Regulator (AyA), a Community Water and Sewer Association (ASADA), which is under the [...]

Why Should Flooding Be a Consideration When Purchasing Property in Costa Rica?

This is a question, which may appear to have a very obvious answer, particularly for those living in Costa Rica. However, the manifestation of the inquiry required in Costa Rica is much more extensive than a prospective first time property purchaser may first envision. The majority of properties offered for [...]

What is the Definition of “Due Diligence” in Costa Rica Legal Transactions?

In various legal transactions, you will often hear Lawyers bandy about the term “due diligence”, particularly when it comes to property purchase transactions, property rental transactions, when purchasing a business, or when purchasing a used vehicle. It is important to note, that the depth of the due diligence investigation required [...]

What is the Property Purchasing Process in Costa Rica?

What is the Property Purchasing Process in Costa Rica? Many of you reading this blog will have purchased a property in other jurisdictions, particularly in Canada or the United States. The general flow of the property purchasing process in Costa Rica is very similar to that in these other jurisdictions, [...]

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